by Open Gate International | Jan 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
January is Human Trafficking Prevention and Awareness Month, also referred to as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. This is a crucial time to not only educate yourself about this heinous industry— but to take the message your offices, houses of worship, schools and...
by Open Gate International | Nov 19, 2020 | Employment, India Trip, Moldova, Students, Vocational Training
OGI plays an important role not only in our local, Orange County community, but abroad as well. We’re equipping vulnerable individuals, including those emerging from homelessness, in Mexico, Moldova, India and Cambodia with the culinary and life skills they need to...
by Open Gate International | Nov 5, 2020 | Culinary Art, Life Skills, Students
No one ever thinks that they might become homeless, and yet there are nearly 7,000 homeless people living in Orange County alone. From 2018 to 2019, the county saw a 70 percent increase in the homeless population. Homelessness is caused by a variety of factors, and in...